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Alias Wolf

A film by Oscar & Tobias Spierenburg

Alias Wolf

Is the pen mightier than the sword?

‘Alias Wolf’ reveals the mystery behind writer’s pseudonym Wolf Jacobs, and introduces audiences to the fascinating world of writers.

The story is in fact about a writer who faces a battle with a powerful corporation trying to prevent his new book from being published. To prevail, he will have to fully use his talent.

‘Alias Wolf’ is the second feature film of brothers Oscar and Tobias Spierenburg and is characterized by the leading role of Jenne Decleir and strong female characters, played by Manon Verbeeck and Dolores Bouckaert.


Oscar & Tobias Spierenburg


Willemijn de Krey


Jenne Decleir

Manon Verbeeck

Kris Cuppens

Dolores Bouckaert

Axel Daeseleire

Michael Pas


Feature film, production